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Showing posts from April, 2019

Performance Art Project.

When I first thought of the idea of performance art I thought of artist performing their song. or a street performer sending out a message in the form of dance. There are hundreds if not thousands of performing artist in the world that do it daily. I like performance artist that have a strong racial or political message behind their art.

FlipBook Project

I thought creating a flip book would be very easy to do. actually doing showed me that it is not as easy as it may look. I created a line that is supposed to do some crazy things like jump off the wall, climb on the wall vibrate among other things. I enjoyed creating this project. thank you. enjoy! (Flip book was handed in to you in class.)

Video Art Piece.

This video art piece is something close to me. 10 months ago my son Xzaviah J. Stone Jr was born. The most proud day of my life to date. This work of art I helped created is by far my greatest creation and I wanted to share that with you all. Here is the sounds I hear on a daily basis hanging and taking care of my son. An inside look on what I hear. I call it JunJun's

"Unity" Photocopy Project

I had some trouble coming up with this idea at first. Trying to incorporate all the ideas I initially had into one project. I wanted to show unity the best way I can. No matter the difference you may have if we stick together we can overcome anything including our oppressors.

Graft Art

inspired by the sky. as I looked up at the clouds and imagined what if our sky was many different shades of blue and just wasn't the normal sky we see on the daily. what if the sky was whatever I wanted it to be. and this grid is what I came up with. thank you.